Monday, September 26, 2011


I realized this weekend that a milestone had passed without my even noticing : having arrived on August 23rd, I have been in France for over a month now!

And it shows:

- I'm at the point now where all my thoughts are in Frenglish (a delightfully incorrect mix of French and English). I'm forgetting basic English words and speaking English using French grammar and sentence structure. Sometimes I get frustrated when I'm speaking English to someone and I can't use a French expression that just feels better in the given situation!

- Although I'm eating vegan and wheat-free in my apartment (and whatever I want whenever I eat out), the other night as I was walking home I just knew that after my vegetable sautée I would have a craving for something sweet. So like a typical French person, I stopped into the nearest épicerie and bought a two-pack of little chocolate mousses. French people LOVE their little pre-packaged plastic desserts: yogurts, pôts de crême, mousses, etc. In fact, they are almost incapable of eating a meal (especially lunch) without one. You should see the amount of refrigerator space in any given French supermarket that's devoted to little creamy desserts in little plastic containers!

- I spent this past weekend in Strasbourg (more on that later), and I felt completely disoriented in what looked like a small (by comparison) town with heavy German influence. Walking up to a castle in the mountains through dense forests - even more disorienting! Not being able to hop on the métro? Quel horreur! So much for my suburban-girl apprehensions about living in a big city - Paris feels like home!

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