Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Post-Alasace Detox in the Park : Lundi au Jardin du Luxembourg

After returning from Alsace, S. and I both agreed : we felt gross. Those multi-course meals of white flour, heavy cream, butter had taken their toll, and it wasn't just the psychological impact of knowing how many calories we had consumed. We felt lethargic and blah...

So we swore upon our return to Paris to treat our bodies right. How did we do it? With some good old fashioned hippie food and an afternoon in the park.

First we stopped by the Naturalia closest to the CUPA office and picked up some picnic supplies. Then we walked to the Jardin du Luxembourg (also just down the street from CUPA) and found ourselves a lovely patch of grass, partial sun, and spread out our feast:
Behold (clockwise from left): quinoa salad, an assortment of sprouts and grated carrots, fresh tomatoes, a yellow bell pepper (in the plastic bag), and caviar d'aubergine (eggplant caviar - aka super-delicious savory spread).

We finished this feast just in time for the park police to chase us off the grass! Apparently, like so many things in France, it's interdit...

But, bodies nourished, we decided to absorb the last of summer's golden rays and nourish our minds en même temps. We found a pair of unoccupied chairs, and like good little Parisians, whipped out our paperbacks (La Création des Identités Nationales in my case; Dr. Faustus in S.'s case).

Nothing takes away guilt like a little "light" reading!

1 comment:

  1. Nothing beats selling your soul to the devil in the bright sunshine!
